i went to a trans cafe meetup today! well actually yesterday. it was cool! i got to speak to some cool ppl, and it was nice being in a space with so many people that were all trans. it felt safe. i'll definitely be going next time too!
but actually this is just an excuse to post another selfie because i am kind of self-obsessed lately.
my confidence has been good lately! and ive been perfecting my makeup technique more and more. i can do a cool look in like 10 minutes now!! i think its awesome how much better ive gotten at it in like the less than 2 weeks ive been doing my makeup daily. im proud of myself!
in other news my laptop charger is 100% kaputt now. bummer! but the positive thing is that i dont spend any time in bed now, so i dont have as big of a need for the laptop.. it is kind of inconvenient for uni, but theres barely any lectures lately anyways cuz we're entering exam preparation period. oh god i have to prepare for exams... i think i'll be fine, exam-wise, but its always scary
also here's some other stuff i've been up to because i feel like writing about it now:
- i started exercising recently! ive not been happy with my health for quite some time. i miss being able to go up mountains on a whim without breaking a sweat, and i decided to finally do something about it by exercising regularly! its been good
- im trying to get good at sleeping. my psychologist does warn me that its usually harder for autistic ppl to get normal sleep patterns tho.. so we'll see how that goes
- also, i have an autism diagnosis apparently? this is a long story, but i always thought my diagnosis was "Unspecified Developmental Disorder" or something for reasons that are complicated and silly, so like even tho i knew i am autistic, i thought i didnt have an official diagnosis. but at some point i guess it changed into being an actual autism diagnosis? (well, actually "asperger's syndrome", but under newer diagnostic criteria that we havent adopted yet that would be "autism spectrum disorder" instead)
- speaking of autism, i started reading unmasking autism! i heard really good things about this book. i borrowed it from the library. i also borrowed different, not less from the library. i have to read both of them before the end of the month! oops, maybe i shouldnt have borrowed both at once!!!
- ive been playing extreme amounts of dead by daylight. whenever i play killer, ive been playing pinhead. i love that guy