What if I really was someone else? Someone beautiful and powerful. Someone buried alive and suffocating to death. But I know that's not true. That's just fantasy.
ok im saying this about like literally every movie ive seen lately but like wow what a movie. the way it portrays escapism and queer identity and the intersection and ohhhh this movie resonates alright. i don't know if i can put words to how it resonates beyond that. what if i really was someone else was a question i asked and rejected so many times before i finally accepted the question. time moves so fast when you're just an empty shell of someone you're not meant to be. it goes beyond even just recognising that i was trans but even exploring who i really am, how i really want to express my gender, i still feel like sometimes i evade the question of who i really am sometimes. sometimes not being me feels like the easier choice but god if it doesn't also drive you mad down the road of longing and what-ifs. it's only recently that ive really tried to grasp this. to unapologetically be myself no matter what others might think. some people never get to do that.
this movie and we're all going to the world's fair are so good. they explore these themes of unreality and escapism and identity so well in such different but equally captivating ways. thank you jane schoenbrun