
the conformist

i thought i was gonna love this one!!! a movie about like, a weak-willed man who turns to fascism for approval from peers? i thought that sounded like suuch a good basis for a movie. but i just felt kinda disappointed when the angle was more like "damn this guy turned out to be a loser because he was sexually abused as a child" and its like... most fascists do not have tragic backstories. i think that the loneliness behind many fascists is much more fascinating to explore than like. what if someone became fascist because they were sexually abused. because like, the vast majority of people who turn to fascism under fascist countries do it to fit in!!! theyre not doing it because theyre dissatisfied with themselves because of some horrible trauma from their childhood.

i did like the ending of the movie though, especially if you imagine what preceded it to be what i wanted and not what the movie was. instantly switching sides when your side is losing is like. thats what i wanted this movie to focus on. the kind of guy who only believes what he does because the ones he looks up to believes it. also like there are some nice shots. its a good looking movie at least. and i enjoyed the conversations between the guy and his old principal.

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