i really thought i'd like this one based on the little i read about it before watching it! i didn't really like it at all though. idk if that's the movies fault or my own. it's cool for a movie to do wild experimental things, and i don't automatically hate shock value. but it felt like nothing this movie did aided it's message or concept. it just felt like the director had some thoughts and was like ok chexh this out i bet you've never seen THIS in a movie before huh? and it's like yeah sure you're right but like. what are you even saying. is this a good way to get across what you're saying or is it like maybe not?
it feels like any interesting message just kinda gets lost in constant meaningless drawn-out sexualization that serves noo fucking purpose. maybe im just crazy but i think that shower rape scene couldve been one second long or zero seconds long and it would not negatively impact the movie!! all the "avant-garde" things in this movie feels more like self-indulgence on the creators' side. some movies you like the more you think about them, but this movie i just dislike the more i think about it. i was trying so hard to see the good in this movie and the more i think about it the more i feel only the bad has really stuck at all.
idk. i found it hard to relate to anything in this movie, or to find anything that resonates. i was waiting for it all to come together and start feeling meaningful at some point but it just never happened for me.